by Kingsley Ibeto
Before I begin to elaborate some reasons why I think Nnamdi Kanu will not betray or compromise his quest for the restoration of the sovereign state of Biafra, permit me to briefly profile him.
According to Wikipedia, Nwannekaenyi “Nnamdi” Kanny Okwu Kanu (born 1970s) is a British-Nigerian political activist. He is a leading member of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), and the director of London-based radio station Radio Biafra. Kanu was arrested o treason charges in Lagos on 14 October, 2015 and was detained in a Nigerian jail without trial for more than a year-and-half, despite various court orders that ruled for his release.
Now straight to the points:
1. OATH – An Oath is a pledge, a hypothecation. It is a promise of commitment backed by law and made before an immanent or localized deity. An immanent deity is omnipresent (the Most High God – Chukwuokikeabiama in Igbo) while a localized deity is that resident somewhere definite, which moves only when commissioned by its servant.
Whoever takes an oath is simply saying he is committed to a course/cause; he will not renege on his promise, and he acquiesces that there be consequences should he fail to keep it. Oath is so important that witnesses in Court are always reminded that they are under it.
Failure to keep the promise in oath taking may have negative consequences.
The concept of oaths is deeply rooted within Judaism. It is found in Genesis 8:21, when God swears that he will “never again curse the ground because of man and never again smite every living thing.
Haven known this, it is almost impossible for Mr. Nnamdi Kanu to compromise Biafra struggle.
2. ANNOUNCED HIS COMING TO NIGERIA: This is a shocker! How can a man announce on Radio Biafra his coming, which everybody knows if he touches Nigeria he will get arrested not minding the outcome of it. This shows how serious and determine he is. Beforehand, in some quarters, they were saying he can only stay in London to preach about Biafra; he cannot do it in Nigeria. Bla Bla Bla…
Lo and behold, Mr Kanu is presently in Nigeria. He has visited various states preaching Biafra. Recall that one of his bail conditions is that “He must not be in a crowd exceeding 10 persons.”
But he had been welcomed thousands of people. This is a clear indication that this man is ever ready and serious about Biafra restoration.
3. “BUHARI IS MAD”: Reacting to Justice Binta Nyako’s ruling which allowed witnesses to testify against him in private, the