triangle pointed upward is the male symbol; when they are interlaced it represents Reproduction, or sexual union of the active and passive forces in nature. A former witch reveals, “When the male triangle penetrates the female triangle it produced the six pointed crest of Solomon or hexagram, the most wicked symbol in witchcraft” (Burns, ibid., p.39).
In fact, the hexagram was also used by the ancient Hindus in the worship of their divine “Trinity” – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – as the “unity” of three gods in one. J. S. M. Ward adds that it is “strictly the sign of Trimurti, the Three in One, typifying the creative, preservative and destructive natures of the Deity.”
If you examine the so-called “Star of David,” or hexagram, closely, you will discover something astonishing. It has six points, forms
six equilateral triangles, and in its interior forms a six sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan the devil, or the beast of Revelation — 66, and 6 — 666 !!!
Ogashu writes from Awka