For some of us, the nay sayers in the South-South are more, since they are the ones that gambol like lambs whenever issues bordering on the restoration of Biafra pop up for confabulation. Well, I think you are wrong. My objective today is to do justice to the actual constituents of this noisy and self-acclaimed lot that paint the lugubrious picture that the Ijaw, Itsekiri, Urrhobo, Ibibio, Efik, Ikwerre, Orashi, Ogoni etc are not part of Biafra. I will tell you who these specious claimants are presently. Hold my hand and let us walk together as I do justice to the subject matter.
Let me blaze the trail by reminding you all that I am an Ijaw man from Bonny and Nkoro in Rivers State. I am tribally Ijaw, but nationally BIAFRA. Now, take note that I work with several Ijaw, Ikwerre and other tribes who share my national consciousness. I am sure you have noticed that some people call themselves names in their bid to dampen the spirit of our brothers and sisters in the East.
Some bear the toga of Niger Delta Elders, same elders are become ghosts when our youths go on rampage. There are those that say they are IYC (Ijaw Youth Council), the same Ijaw association that has become a political group. Some groups spring up in Calabar and Akwa Ibom to distance the entire state from Biafra. Some of our brothers in the East, on seeing these, begin to fear that our unity will be herculean. Well, I write to correct it all. Self-determinism is what individuals, not political groups, do for themselves.
Back to these ersatz groups that claim they speak for the people. My dear brothers and sisters, these groups do not speak for anybody. Some of these associations have been balkanized by politics, making them the quiet extended arm of governments that become active whenever the people try to bring the activities of government to a halt. The rise of the agitation for restoration of Biafra is sufficient and necessary reason why these self-styled hitherto moribund associations have resumed action. None of them speak for the generality of their people. Besides, self-determination does not require REPRESENTATION, since each person in a clan, village, or community will be required to vote to STAY or LEAVE Nigeria in the referendum. The plebiscite does not even require voter’s card, for even voice vote is acceptable.
So, my beloved Biafrans, don’t be unsettled by the rantings of the NOISY MINORITY in South-South because there is a very quiet and enlightened MAJORITY praying fervently for the demise of Nigeria. We, the South-South IPOB, know what to do to reach them. The SILENT MAJORITY know, like we do, that politics cannot solve our problem. Do you even know that those that evince apathy over every Biafra issue do not have followers? None of them controls our region like Mujahid Dokubo-Asari, yet he is a very proud Biafran.
I write as someone who dumped retrogressive politics for revolution, since I noticed to my dismay that the real problem bedeviling GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT in Biafra land is the kind of politics we play. Ours is a politics of