UK Prime Minister Theresa May Speaks on Why Trump Held Her Hands (Pics)
Theresa May says Donald Trump was “being a
gentleman” when he took her hand while they
walked outside the White House.
Speaking publicly for the first time about the
episode, she said: “We were about to walk down a
ramp, and he said it might be a bit awkward.”
Footage of the pair was widely covered in the
world’s media during the Prime Minister’s visit to
Washington in January, when she became the first
foreign leader to meet President Trump.
But in an interview with American Vogue, she
laughed off the hand gesture, saying: “I think he
was actually being a gentleman.”
She has previously criticised his controversial
comments about women as “unacceptable”.
p.m theresa may , while reacting about the issue she refer to her husband
Discussing home life with banker husband Philip,
she revealed their most common argument was
over what to watch on TV – he prefers history
programmes while she wants to view crime drama
She also said: “I cook, and he puts everything in
the dishwasher.”
Mrs May also revealed Philip had surprised her by
making “a very good mushroom risotto” since her
busy schedule as PM left her less time for the