BREAKING!!! Malia Obama Parties Too Much, Admits To Friends That Her Dad Wiretapped Trump Tower
Malia Obama’s partying may have finally gotten her into trouble. According to The Gateway Pundit, one of Donald Trump’s favorite news sources, friends of Malia Obama were partying hard with her last night when she admitted that her dad used to sit up for hours listening to a live feed of a wiretap from Trump Tower.
“She said he was obsessed,” said Lena Monroe, a former classmate and acquaintance of Malia’s, “she said he would run into the study every time he heard the phone ring in the Trump’s penthouse, hoping that it would be Vladimir Putin or someone who could tie him to Russia.”
That call never came. According to TGP, three other friends have corroborated the story, and one recorded the conversation. That recording is now in the hands of federal prosecutors who will review it and see if it can be used as evidence in Obama’s upcoming trial for fraud, abuse of power and treason.
President Trump’s spokesman, Jeff, released a statement from the White House Office of Information and Propaganda confirming the existence of the recording along with several others taken from a listening device implanted in Malia’s phone.