I have taken time to research about the missing Celine who we now suspect allegedly went for a hook-up threesome with a wanted London based returnee.
The WhatsApp chat screenshot shows Celine and her friend travelled for transactional s£x and didn’t live to tell the story.
Here are Lessons Every Young Person Should Learn:
1. Any man willing to engage in transactional s*x with you is not mentally stable…. Clinically, any man who can pay you for s£x is suffering from CSB – Compulsive S£xual Behaviour. Other mental health issues associated with CSB are d£pression, low self esteem etc. The moment a man is willing to pay you for S£X, RUN for your life. You are dealing with a mentally si¢k fellow.
And the same applies to girls who ask for money in exchange for s£x. Personally, I get such offers daily. I have lost count of girls who come to me boldly asking to hook up with me. I’m making this public so they stop it. They are no longer ashamed these days. These are not unemployed girls. These are classy female business owners who flaunt designer bags on social media. The ones in South Africa requested for R2000 ($106) for one night while the ones in Nigeria requested for half a million Naira to 1 million Naira ($330 to $630) for a night. I found those requests quite insulting but at the same time, very concerning. Concerning because today’s transactional s£x economy is no longer driven by p0verty but by greed and pressure to show off on social media. They use online business to cover up their real trade . Celine Ndudim was a fashion designer, what else was she looking for that she couldn’t patiently grow into with time and hardwork?
If you have a friend or sister who is addicted to showing off on social media, advise them before you mourn them.
If you are a girl who has developed an entitlement Mentality to a man’s money whenever you share his bed, remind yourself that you are a queen. Find your Crown. Have some dignity. Even if you are dying of hunger, don’t ask a man for money immediately after s£x. It’s dishonorable.
If you are a man and your girlfriend always asks for money after s£x, don’t give her. Don’t encourage transactional s£x in relationships. Give only when there’s NEED, not when there’s Demand. AND don’t also use money to lure girls to bed. Have some dignity. You are a King. Kings don’t pay for s£x.
2. All the friends of Celine Ndudim who used to celebrate her on social media have all gone quiet and distanced themselves from her…
I went through Celine’s friend’s list. I checked out some of her friends who used to publicly post about her. They have all distanced themselves from her. If you mention Celine on their post, they will block you. They don’t want to be associated with the hook up scandal but they were all once colleagues in her days of glamour – giving each other pressures and possibly clients.
If you are reading this and you still allow peer pressure to define your values, you should have a rethink. Personally, I disconnected from some ‘new’ friends few years ago. They almost put me under unnecessary pressure just weeks after meeting them. I almost lost myself while trying to measure up to their fake standards. They drove only Rolls Royce and Bentleys. They flew only private jets. It was later I discovered that they were not only doing the legit business they posted in public, some of them were involved in get rich quick schemes. While me, I earn salary from my businesses. I had to advise myself. Two of those friends would later die mysteriously. Their businesses shut down and cars auctioned off. But we are still building slowly – one day at a time.
Grow slowly. Grow consistently. Beware of the “I WAN HAMMER” MENTALITY. PLEASE DON’T HAMMER 🔨 BECAUSE OF KARMA.
3. Beware of social media feminists who encourage TRANSACTIONAL S£X and relationships. Report their account. Stay away from them. They don’t even do what they are advising you to do – they are psychologically tapping into your dark desires to control your actions, turn themselves into goddesses in your mind and establish their brand as powerful and influential on young women. So it’s about power for them and you are just the pawn in their game of power. Be intentional.
My name is Charles Awuzie and I want you to remain sane in this insane generation. Be intentional 💫.