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Dog Kills The Husband Of Its Owner After She Posted This...

Few months after posting this, a Rottweiler owned by the woman have killed her husband.
In June she posted “In the 70s they blamed the Dobermans. In the 80s they blamed the German Shepherds. In the 90s they blamed Rottweilers. Now they blame the Pitbull. When will they blame the humans?”












Karen ‘Maree’ Anderson, 64, and husband Noel Backhouse, 66, were attacked by their Rottweiler, Ruben, in their home in Allens Rivulet, Tasmania, on Sunday night, Oct. 15.

Noel suffered fatal bites to his hands and arms while Ms Anderson had to be treated in hospital for injuries to her lower legs.

Ruben has now been euthanised and the two other dogs have been seized by the council while an investigation is carried out.

Noel was previously attacked by a Pitbull while out walking Tori and Ruben with his wife in July 2022.
Ms Anderson shared a picture of his bloody hands and wrists shortly afterwards.

She wrote at the time: “In an attempt to keep Ruben safe, Noel was badly bitten. The owner arrived on his bike and took off when the police were called.


“I’m just so angry that an idiot like this thinks it’s OK to allow his dog to roam freely while he follows on his bike… with no control over the animal.”

The couple took Ruben and their other dogs, Evie a French Bulldog and Tori a German Shepherd, to dog shows.

Ruben was awarded two trophies and two ribbons after winning Best State Bred Dog and Best Opposite State Bred at the Rottweiler Club of Tasmania Specialty Show last November.


Tasmanian Police Inspector Colin Riley said: “This is a family that have had a loved pet. “Unfortunately, that animal has turned on them and it’s had tragic outcomes.”

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