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TRAGIC!!! Man Electrocuted Trying To Reconnect Light

A 25-year-old man simply identified as “Daddy” died while trying to connect light in the the residential area of Igbo Road, New Karu in Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.









According to information gathered by Igbere TV through an eye witness, who preferred anonymity, the man, was an electrician who usually assisted people in solving minor electrical problems, particularly when men of the Distribution Company were not available.

Devil was said to be at work that day, when Daddy climbed an electric pole to re- connect a cable while it was drizzling.

The source said: “When the electrician got to the last step of the ladder, he stretched his hand and tried to hook the dangling cable onto the one attached to the pole, but quickly dropped it in a manner that showed he had been electrocuted.

“Unable to move, he hugged the concrete pole and started descending like a log of wood and landed on the floor on his face”.

The eyewitness explained that it was pointless taking him to hospital as even a little child could tell that he had passed on.

Sympathizers, who trooped to the scene wailing, described the deceased as a quiet person who was always seen playing football in the nearby field.

They attributed the incident to an earlier downpour in the area, as well the deceased’s habit of climbing electric poles without putting on personal protective equipment, saying he must have climbed the wet electric pole unprotected as usual.

Efforts to get relevant authorities to comment on the incident were not fruitful.


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