When Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB was thrown into national conciousness by his arrest and subsequent trial.
The Dominant IPOB demand was “referendum”
I was aware that majority of Igbos will not vote for a Biafran state but will prefer a properly restructured Nigeria. Simply said, IPOB would have lost the ballot.

Biafra Protesters
The Nigerian state having no counter narrative to that of IPOB, decided to do what it does best . Criminalise the group and clamp down on members. Many were killed and many are in jail awaiting trial.
Nigeria radicalised the group.
When has the demand for referendum mean demand or same as seeking for WAR?
The fact that our fathers and us endured the injustices from 1970 to date, doesn’t mean that our children will or should endure same injustices.
Are we better today than we were in 1999?
Are we better today than we were in 1970?
If you are a beneficiary or can endure these rubbish, please find it in your heart to pray for them as they ask those critical questions you failed to ask.
How come in their generation it is now a death sentence to go even look for job? 55% unemployment rate?
They should live on hope and faith?
If there was justice, prosperity, I doubt we will be here. But they have looked at us, and are very sure that we do not have the intention of delivering justice and prosperity to them.
By Dom Nik, a social commentator