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Woman Arrested By Police for pushing Co-Wife And Her Baby Into Well

Police in Kano have arrested a 30-year-old woman, Hauwa Lawal, for allegedly pushing her co-wife, Zuwaira Sani, 35 and her 18-month-old son into a well.

Kano police spokesman, Abdullahi Haruna, confirmed the arrest in an interview with newsmen on Sunday.

Mr Haruna said the police received a report on Friday that Lawal of Rurum village of Rano Local Government Area of Kano pushed her co-wife and baby into a well.

“The suspect had a misunderstanding with the victim in the process they started fighting in the house. The suspect pushed her rival along with her 18-month-old son, Mustafa Gambo, whom she was backing into a well situated in their house,” he said.

The spokesman said the commissioner of police, Habu Sani-Ahmadu, ordered the arrest of the fleeing suspect within 24 hours.

“Operation Puff-Adder swung into action and arrested the suspect on Saturday at about 1:17 a.m,” Haruna said.

“The victims were removed from the well and were rushed to Rano Hospital where Sani was confirmed dead, while her son is alive and has been discharged from the hospital. The suspect confessed to the crime.”

He added that the case has been transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for investigation and that the suspect would be prosecuted afterwards.

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