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OMG!!! Married Man Gets Stuck To Secret Lover During Sex (Video)

A married man got stuck in between the legs of his equally married lover while having sex in a hotel room in Daraja Mbili Market area, Kenya.

The married man and woman.

It was reported that the secret lovers cried out for help when the man couldn’t pull out.

The duo were taken to a witch doctor so they could be separated.

Eyewitnesses said the lady, Sabina Moraa, has been involved in extra-marital affairs for a long time so her husband, who had been informed about it several times, sought the help of a medicine man.

The medicine man gave him a very powerful charm to plant on her.

While most people demanded that the adulterous couple should be exposed, others said the husband should be summoned to unlock them.

Confirming the incident, the Kisii Central Deputy OCS, Philip Kimanzi, said that two got stuck while having an affair at a local bar and the witch doctor was demanding for Sh50,000 which the family of the man caught in the act struggled to raise.

“The two are currently being held by our officers with the witch doctor though the husband of the woman caught in the act is not picking up our calls,” Kimanzi said.

When asked why she undertook the task of producing charms for locking promiscuous women, the witch doctor, Annete Mutheu, said she was out on a mission to tackle immorality in the country.

Watch the video below:

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