All posts in: Opinion

  • Biafrexit: The Bitter Truth by Baba Salami

    By Baba Salami I will get a lot of hate comments about this article, but it’s the truth the real truth about Biafra that most of my brothers from the east choose to ig...

  • Biafrexit: Open Letter To Acting President Yemi Osinbajo (MUST READ!)

    An open letter addressed to Acting President Yemi Osinbajo regarding the Biafra question. BY IJ ONUIGBO Dear Professor Osinbajo, I, along...

  • Nnamdi Kanu is a Tout & Leading all The Touts in Igbo Land - Sullivan

    Every tribe has touts amongst them, all the touts from Igbo land are led by Nnamdi Kanu, why is he a tout? just critically listen to that guy, on...

  • Major Reasons Why IPOB Has Been Very Successful

    By Amadi Uche 1) They are not diplomatic. Diplomacy doesn't work in Nigeria and they learnt that lesson from the experiences of MASSOB that tried diplomacy so many ...

  • FG Can Never Win This Fight Against Nnamdi Kanu... Never!

    OPTIONS: 1. If you arrest him again, his popularity will triple, and you will lose the remainiung Biafraans who are against IPOB as they know this young man h...

    Reasons Why Many Of Our Young Girls Want To Become Slay Queens And Babymama

    I always feel bad whenever I see young girls on Facebook, Twitter, and several other social media parading themselves as slay queens or babymam...

  • 'Professor' Yemi Osinbajo, Another Disgrace to Constitutional Democracy (MUST READ!)

    By Mazi Onyebuchi Eze According to a publication by Vanguard Newspaper which dated 19/6/2017, brought to the attention of the N...

  • Evans Simply Reveals the Soul of the Nation; We are all Guilty Including Me - Kalu

    Peter Agba Kalu wrote, "The #Free_Evans crusade going on tells a lot about our society. We have been seriously damaged and our hear...

  • The Reason One Igbo-hating Woman Gave Me For Hating The Igbo

    By: a Reader One day I was discussing with a fellow Nigerian (beautiful lady) but her heart was dark to the Igbo, her fellow compatriot. She blurted ou...

  • Billionaire Kidnapper, Evans Can Still Beat Kidnapping Charges In Court

    By: Farouk Martins Aresa Say what! Kidnappers kill directly politicians murder us indirectly! It is easier for kidnappers, politicians, p...

  • Your Clamor For Independence Will End Up To Be Cries Of Siege: Biafra Is Failure - Adesina

    By: Samuel Adesina These are the reasons why I believe Biafra will not succeed and Igbos have no way to succeed in creati...

  • Do You Know What Your Husband Does For A Living? (MUST READ!)

    Every jobless Nigerian man is a businessman. Every Nigerian Yahoo Yahoo is a businessman. Every 419 and drug lord is a businessman. Every layabout, rogue...

    "Is Buhari Nigeria’s Last President?"(Must Read)

    Tangentially, I take the title of this article to be humdrum. Why? Goodluck Jonathan was prognosticated to be the last president of composite Nigeria, but the doom prog...

  • KADUNA DECLARATION: The Socio-Political and Legal Implications (MUST READ!)

    By Comr. Onuoha Endurance Its a thing of great joy for every loving father when his wards are able to stand on their feet and make respo...

  • We Anxiously Await You, October 2017, Arewa Youths

    All Northerners should eagerly wait for October 2017 and brace up for a new dawn of Economic opportunities and properity. I am talking of the enormous Economic a...

    A Letter To DHL Headquarter Over Their Unethical Practices In Nigeria (Must Read)

    Written by Kings Jv Chibuzor For Family Writers Document Handlers Limited (DHL), is a prominent global logistics industry whose fun...

  • Why An Igbo Man May Never Rule Nigeria - Akande

    By: Samuel Akande Igbos are very Industrious and Illustrious group of people no doubt,an igbo man sense of business and hustling spirit is highly commendable,an a...

    Billionaire's Son, Paddy Adenuga, Has A Message For Ladies Sliding Into His DM

    Yesterday, Social Media was on fire after Mr Eazi and Daughter of Billionaire, Temi Otedo/a made their relationship official. Apparently,...

  • Could This Be The Real Angle We Missed? - Igbo Must Leave The North It's A Decoy

    From a Reader: I just got this unverified unconfirmed article from a friend so its just a rumour/speculation but it really got me t...

    Solution To Igbo's Investment In Northern Nigeria

    By a Concerned Igbo: SOLUTION TO IGBO'S INVESTMENT IN THE NORTHERN NIGERIA.... ... Igbo Investment in Northern Nigeria and the way forward. Igbos in Northern N...

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