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Nigerians Slam Police For Asking Twitter To Delete Parody Account

Nigerians have attacked the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), for making an appeal to social media giant, Twitter, to erase a parody account for impersonating the organisation, Igbere TV reports.

Igbere TV earlier reports that the official account of Nigeria Police accused the parody account PoliceNGfaux of using its logo, official email, and background picture to mislead the public, an act it termed a criminal offence.

It also warned Nigeriansvon the micro-blogging platform not to follow the account and those who already followed it to unfollow the account.

The parody account started making waves recently with a string of viral posts making fun of misconducts by officers of the Force, especially regarding bribe-taking and extortion.

The account has a disclaimer in its description stating that it doesn’t represent the views of the NPF.

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