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“You Are Fueling Xenophobia” — Onyeama Replies SA Minister Who Described Nigerians As Drug Dealers

Geoffery Onyeama, the Minister of Foreign Affairs has asked his South African counterpart, to desist from making inflammatory comments in the heat of the recent Xenophobic attacks.

Naledi Pandor, the South African minister of Foreign Affairs yesterday had a press conference where she called on the Nigerian government to keep Nigerians who are into drug peddling, human trafficking and other vices, from coming into her country.

According to Pandor, Nigerians in South Africa were into drug peddling, human trafficking and other vices that hurt their nation.

Like many other Nigerians, Onyeama was displeased with Pandor’s comment and has asked her to desist from making such ”outrageous” statements.

See Onyeama’s tweet below;

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