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“Entertainers Don’t Fear God Anymore” – Archbishop

Catholic Archbishop of Lagos, Adewale Martins, has lashed out at musicians and entertainers, saying they do not care about the fear of God anymore.

Archbishop Martins said this on Thursday at the final profession of seven Reverend Sisters of the Congregation of Eucharistic Heart of Jesus at Saint Agnes Catholic Church, Maryland, Lagos.

He said: “Our musicians and the entertainment industry as a whole do not care about morality and fear of God anymore. They are busy promoting nudity through their profession.”

The cleric said morals and decency have been thrown to the winds as the world has lost respect for chastity and morality.

Martins called on Nigerians to ask for God’s mercy for the young and old to once again embrace chastity and obedience.

He said the need for freedom had been mistaken for licence to throw away decency.

“There is no more obedience to chastity; we need to pray for our priests and religious so that they will be able to avoid the various challenges facing them in the world,” the archbishop said.

“Let us congratulate these seven sisters and their families for this life of sacrifice because we are able to gather around these sisters who had been renewing their temporary vows in the past eight years.

“This profession is made possible because they have decided to live that life of chastity by taking their vows to commit their lives to total obedience, chastity and service of God.”

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