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CBN Injects $280.04m, CNY 28.3m To Boost Retail Forex Market

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has injected $280.04 million into the forex market to boost the Retail Secondary Market Intervention Sales (SMIS).

The apex bank also injected the sum of CNY 28.3 million in the spot and short-tenured forwards segment of the inter-bank foreign market.

The latest interventions in the inter-bank foreign exchange market, which was announced on Friday by the bank’s Director of Corporate Communications Department, Isaac Okorafor, are for requests in the agricultural and raw materials sectors as well as Renminbi-denominated Letters of Credit.

Mr Okorafor further expressed satisfaction over the stability of the foreign exchange which according to him, was largely due to sustained intervention by the bank.

He assured that the bank’s management would remain committed to ensuring that all the sectors of the forex market continue to enjoy access to the needed foreign exchange.

he CBN had on Tuesday offered authorised dealers in the wholesale segment of the market the sum of $100 million, while the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the invisibles segments each received the sum of $55 million.

Meanwhile, $1 exchanged for N358 at the Bureau de Change (BDC) segment of the foreign exchange market, while CNY1 exchanged at N46 on Friday.

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