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John Enas Dubre @ 81: A Living Veteran in NUPENG’s Hall of Heroes By Peter Jones Ailuorio

In 1938, precisely on August 2, John Enasavwerie (abridged as Enas). Dubre was born into the family of Mr. Peter Ikolo and Mrs Patience Blacky Dubre.

The place is called Ughelli, about seven miles from Okpare community, his real home town.

Today, and for 81 years still counting, John Enas Dubre has bestridden the Nigerian labour world like a colossus, surmounting daunting challenges and problems in life.

The human vicissitudes inherent in anation like Nigeria has never for one day dwarfed or beclouded Dubre’s mission on earth as ordained by his creator, God.

As a man destined for greatness like God said in Isaiah 55: 8-9,

”Formy thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”

No wonder, that fighting spirit now like a mystical endowment running in the veins of this daring and aggressive oil worker who retired from AGIP some years ago but never tired as we chronicle, in a nutshell,his life and times has remained a force to reckon with.

Historically, Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) is one of the 29 industrial unions formerly affiliated to the Nigeria Labour Congress. It was also one of the former 42 industrialunions during the restructuring exercise between 1976 and 1977.

During the restructuring, several house Unions and Workers organizations merged to kick-start NUPENG in November, 1977.

And to the lead NUPENG as a body was John Enas Dubre emerging as the founding President of a proactive body that eventually played a centripetal role in the future political metamorphosis of Nigeria.

It is on this sweet memory note, that Nigerians and those in the Diaspora salute the courage, resilience and commitment of the founding fathers, (both living and dead) of this great Union.

Today as always, Nigerian workers cherish and celebrate these worthy Comrades and leaders of men, who fought through thick and thin in creating a very credible and strong voice for the Oil and Gas workersin Nigeria.

It is gratifying to note that some of these distinguished comrades are in NUPENG’s hall of heroes today with John Enas Dubre setting the paceof good leadership.

Through the cumulative efforts, sacrifices and self-denials of Comrade Dubre and the likes, sometimes at the risk of their lives, the story line for the Nigeria Oil and Gas workers may not have today changed dramatically for good. And certainly, it will get better!

The other leaders that have taken similar cue worthy of emulation from Dubre in the advancement of the great union include: Comrade S.A Dada, Comrade (Late) U.M Okoro of blessed memory, who later became Presidentof PENGASSAN, (Late) Comrade Wariebi Kojo Agamene, the lion of Amasoma, Comrade Brisibe Awe, Comrade (Honourable) Peter Akpatason and Comrade IgweAchese.

The candle of good leadership has remained burning and shinning brighter by the day with Comrade (Prince) Williams Akporeha on the saddle as President. Perhaps it will not be out of place to quickly mention that NUPENG’s hall of heroes also has very special place and recognition, for the Custodians of the Union constitution, culture, history and traditions.

This includes technocrats who toiled day and night for the realization and sustenance of NUPENG dreams like the founding General Secretary of the Union, Comrade (Late) S.A Otu, the great Comrade Frank OvieKokori,Comrade (Honourable) Joseph Akinlaja, Comrade (Late Elijah Okougbo), Comrade Isaac Aberare and Comrade Joseph Ogbebor.

It is a common spiritual saying that if the foundation is faulty, what then can the righteous do? It stands to reason therefore that if John Enas Dubre had laid a faulty foundation for NUPENG, the story todaywould have been different in a sad direction.

The story would have been likened to the fairy tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Today NUPENG is fulfilled to have cut its teeth under comrade Dubre. Today, NUPENG is proud that it is indeed living up to its motto: —sustaining the nation’s economy.

Today Nigerians and the Diaspora are fulfilled that NUPENG is a worthy Affiliate of the United Labour Congress as well as Industrial GlobalUnion.

Above all, today comrade John Enas Dubre is happy and even more fulfilled on the comfort of his Chair as the will of God pleases with the mindset that he has indeed fought a good fight for Nigerian workers, Nigerians and posterity.

So, let’s celebrate Comrade Dubre, a jolly good fellow and a living.

Veteran in NUPENG’s Hall of Heroes as he clocks 81 today! Hip, HipHip, Hurrah!!!

Peter Jones Ailuorio is Managing Editor of New Sentinel News Mediabased in Lagos

Anambra man of the year award
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