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TRENDING!!! University Lecturer Falls In Class, Smashes Laptop. SEE Why (Photos, Video)

A lecturer in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU), formerly Anambra State University has played a trick on his students to show them how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) had stolen the soul of man.

The unnamed lecturer in the department of Mass Communication set his laptop on a table in front of Masters Degree students to commence his lecture. One of the students later narrated what happened.

He suddenly stood up and pretended to have missed his step while attempting to sit back on his seat. As he fell he used his hand to shove the laptop on his table to the floor.

The laptop shattered as it fell. The lecturer knelt before the laptop, expressing worries to further make the act look real before his students.

The students were shocked. Some of them screamed and stood up to assist the lecturer who suddenly started making mockery of them for expressing more worries over the shattered computer than their teacher who fell down.

One of the students had already started saying the class would replace the lecturer’s laptop without asking whether the man got injured.

Watch the video below;

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