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TEARS!!! Nigerian Female Pilgrim Dies in Saudi Arabia

A female Nigerian pilgrim from Katsina State has died in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, Igbere TV reports.

Head of Nigeria’s medical team, Ibrahim Kana, said the pilgrim died on Tuesday morning.

Dr Kana did not reveal the pilgrim’s name whom he said had “no history of previous illness after going through our Electronic Health Medical Records”.

The probable cause of death, Kana said, was myocardial infarction.

He also said the Nigerian team had already informed the “muassasa,” the Saudi group in charge of Nigerian pilgrims.

Kana said Katsina State Government had been informed, adding that the government would transmit the news to the deceased family.

More than 13,000 Nigerians have travelled for this year’s pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. More are still expected to travel for the Islamic religious rite.

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