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OMG!!! Popular OAP, Toke Makinwa Breaks Internet With Racy Pictures Of Herself

Celebrity On-Air Personality, Toke Makinwa, has shared steamy pictures of herself on Instagram to acclaim from her fans.

The 34-year-old socialite posted the pictures on Instagram on Monday.

Sharing one picture, she wrote: “This was not meant to be part of the shoot, this shot was a test one. @felixcrown was trying to get the right light and he got this shot and all I could think of was art. Being comfortable in who I am, not conforming to any standards , feeling confident and loving a new season. Things are changing, I’ve come so far from the girl that was unsure to the grown woman taking charge, running businesses, dreaming big and it won’t stop.”

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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