By a concerned Nigerian:
You stood as a surety for Nnamdi. Nnamdi was very visible in Public places in Nigeria. Nnamdi was billed to be in court.
Days to the court appearance, a band of terrorists they call Nigeria army as commanded by blood thirsty Jihardist they call President, bulldozed into Kanu’s home, leaving rivers of the blood of unarmed civilians.
By the time the terrorists were done, nobody can account for Kanu till today.
And some empty heads like the AGF have the guts to ask for you to be arrested?
I would never have imagined that humans like the AGF and his fellow rascals exist, but then I have to face reality:
They are Nigerian and Nigerians as we have discovered loves darkness rather than light..
Dear Senator, get a good lawyer
1. Sue the Army for invading the house of the one you stood surety for.
Ask the Army to produce him in court and if they fail, sue them for damages.
Sue them for all the lives they wasted while invading that house.
2. Sue the AGF (join Buhari and his govt) for witch hunting and blackmail.
Accuse the AGF of being the master mind behind the invasion.
That the AGF was actually after you and not Nnamdi.
That at the invasion, Nnamdi must had been killed or abducted by the invaders at the instruction of the AGF.
Only for the AGF to turn around to ask you for whereabouts of Nnamdi.
This two cases will change Nigeria forever.
The irony is that Senator Abaribe and co saved the government face by standing surety for Kanu. Kanu had previously been granted unconditional bail by different judge(s) prior to the last draconian one.
Had the surety refused, the government (same as the court) would have had to find a different way to save face and release him.
Abaribe should stop being a gentleman in the jungle; he should be the one vigorously accusing the government of kidnapping Kanu (and killing him). He has to seize the game and narrative, and use every voice and passion he can muster.
This is Nigger-Area, a glorified jungle. You are either a wolf or a sheep; no middle ground! Wake Abaribe, the vultures are circling!

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