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Huawei Is Now Going To Build Their Custom OS On Top Of Android - Analyst

By Charles Awuzie

Huawei is now going to build their custom OS on top of Android because they don’t need a commercial ⚚ license to build on top of an Open Source project…. Android was forked out of Linux and continues to keep its project open and free….

Charles Awuzie

This may be a temporary set back for Huawei but trust me, at the long run, America would have lost more than they ever imagined. American jobs will be affected at the long run while more engineers will be employed by Huawei to provide support for their new OS.

Let’s keep watching…
But Trump goofed on this….
He knows nothing about how Tech works…. It’s an ecosystem and partnerships in the tech industry is stronger than politics.

Dr. Charles Awuzie writes from South Africa

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Emeh James Anyalekwa, is a Seasoned Journalist, scriptwriter, Movie producer/Director and Showbiz consultant. He is the founder and CEO of the multi Media conglomerate, CANDY VILLE, specializing in Entertainment, Events, Prints and Productions. He is currently a Special Assistant (Media) to the Former Governor of Abia State and Chairman Slok Group, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu. Anyalekwa is also the National President, Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (OMPAN)

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