In what will come across as a really shocking development, a man has gotten his very young daughter, pregnant.
A really young girl of about 13 years, has been impregnated by her own father.
The girl who happens to be mentally challenged, was allegedly impregnated by her 55-year-old father in Kilifi, Kenya.
She has,however, given birth to a baby girl at the Mariakani Health Center in Kilifi County.
According to Citizen Digital, the girl’s father who is suspected to be responsible for the pregnancy is currently being held at the Mariakani Police Station where he is awaiting a DNA test to confirm whether or not he is the father of the baby.
According the girl’s mother, she noticed that her daughter’s womb was swelling and took her to hospital thinking she was sick, only to be told that she was pregnant.
When questioned about the pregnancy, the girl pointed at her father as being responsible. The girl’s father admitted that he had slept with the girl, but denied that he had impregnated her.
The mother told Citizen Digital that she has separated from her husband of 30 years and father of ten following the incident. She further added that traditional rituals must be performed on her daughter and the newborn to keep them safe.
“He must buy a lamb and call a traditional healer to perform rituals around the homestead otherwise we might end up losing both children,” she said.
The baby and its mother are still at the Medical facility where nurses say they are faring well.
The DNA test is expected to be done on Monday.