by Essien Ndueso
In Akwa Ibom State, a crass desperation has led the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state, Mr. Nsima Ekere, into the assumption that the people of the state are gullible to empty lies and gross fake promises.
Mr Ekere whose desperation to be governor has seen him embark on campaign of calumny, wild accusations and outright resort to cheap blackmail, took his jaundiced worldview to shocking heights when he told a bewildered public that he’ll provide local government autonomy if elected governor.

Nsima Ekere
Since the NDDC man made the promise, not a few people have alluded to what has been widely known before now to the effect that the APC gubernatorial candidate and his party have no cogent plans for the state nor the people except the wild goose chase of political power in order to put the state on a reverse gear.
As a man who claims to know a lot, it is preposterous and beffudling that Nsima Ekere could, before the public, make such a bizarre promise.
For one, it shows clearly that the man is simply out of sync with reality and the law, so much that he can spew anything as campaign promise just to sway the people.
But Akwa Ibomites know better. They have seen through these 21st century deception, the fake and vague promises hence are better positioned to choose between moving forward and plunging the state into the abyss of confusion with a band of desperate hawks whose plan is to return our state to the dark age of politically motivated assassinations, kidnappings and other sundry but despicable vices, which walked on all fours on our streets.
If this is not their plan, it’s difficult to come to grasp with Mr Ekere’s pledge that he’ll restore local government autonomy as soon as he becomes governor. Does he not know that this issue is a constitutional matter and is not within the powers of a governor to determine?
Why should the APC standard bearer stoop so low to utter such embarrassing and unpardonable statement? It points to one fact: these people do not mean well for our state. Such empty, warped and patently misguided promise brings back memories of 2011, when 31 industries were once promised the people of Akwa Abasi Ibom State.
Today, the people can judge for themselves how many of the 31 industries are cited in their domains as was promised. Curiously, it is the same people that have formed a desperate alliance to once again churn out unrealistic promises in order to hoodwink the people again. But the people are now wiser and will vehemently and unanimously reject these men whose voices drip with deception upon a body language that reeks of war.
It’s the same Nsima Ekere that had the false stamina to say he’ll build real industries in the state. And one is led to wonder, does APC and its governorship candidate think Akwa Ibomites are so poorly lettered? The man has not told Akwa Ibom people what and how real industries look like. Apparently out to promise anything to earn votes, he steps on the soapbox and says just anything as if he’s addressing toddlers. He forgets that his ability to create industries, can be measured by the number of factories and job opportunities brought about when he served as the Chairman of the state investment and industrial clearing house, the Akwa Ibom State Investment and Industrial Promotion Council, AKIIPOC and later as deputy governor during the 8 years reign of Governor Akpabio. There were none of course.
One had thought that the tomfoolery of the APC and its candidate will have some level of restraint, but Nsima Ekere has given the clearest indication yet that he has neither vision nor mission for the state. And he can’t even pretend otherwise. Sad!
Nsima goofed big time when he said he’ll grant autonomy to local governments. How can a gubernatorial candidate not understand the workings of Nigerian constitution? Autonomy for LG is a constitutional issue and only amendment can effect that.
Nsima Ekere cannot claim ignorance of this reality, but he had little or no choice than to say what he said just to deceive the people into believing he means well and will effect what he promised in public glare if he fulfils his lifetime ambition of becoming governor.
It is obvious that the season of politics and promises of heaven on earth by politicians is here. But while some promises made by politicians have raised hopes of the masses that they are in for better times, some, like Mr Ekere’s, have clearly stood out as vague, empty and misleading promises. It is sad and rather unfortunate that desperation could cause someone who should know to embark on spewing lies to the people.
Akwa Ibom people now under the able leadership of Mr. Udom Emmanuel will never succumb to these tissues of falsehood and grand deceit. They are now wiser, more circumspect and highly discerning, hence will not fall for empty and unrealistic promises from desperate men.