IGBERE TV has received a cheering news of the award of a whopping $500m construction contract to TransGlobim International by the Iraqi government.
TransGlobim International is an Engineering company owned by Igbo Engineers, with Canada based Jude Igwemezie as the head.

Igwemezie and Fadhal, Chairman of the Najaf Investment Commission
The contract covers the construction of a monorail network in Iraq.
IGBERE TV gathered that the contract is to build what is described as “a viable rail transportation network” for the city of Najaf, a massive network connecting three Islamic holy and historic mosques in Imam Ali, Kufa and Sahle.
Speaking to journalists, visibly excited Igwemezie, who was also trained in Canada said the project is scheduled to be completed in 3 years, and will be built in 2 phases. According to him, the 1st phase will cover the design, construction and operation of the system while the 2nd will involve the expansion of the system and its extension to the Najaf airport and the final phase.
Speaking further, Igwemezie, who revealed that he has been involved in negotiation with the federal government of Nigerian in the last eighteen months to construct several rail lines in the country, revealed that it took “only 2 months to get the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) executed with the Iraqi goveenment”.
Emphasising on his frustration to offer his services to Nigeria, Mr. Igwemezie said, “as a Diaspora person, I kept coming back, knocking, to help Nigeria. On the other hand I can’t knock forever.”

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