A renowned son of Bende local government area, and a front line aspirant for Bende Federal Constituency under APC, Chief Barrister Benjamin Kalu has been commended by Omaokwe and Okoko Item community as a true son of Bende at the ‘2018 Iri Ndi’ ceremony. Kalu who was a special guest at the event also applauded the community on the celebration of New Yam Festival.
Speaking with newsmen at the venue of the festival, Kalu also commended the Okoko Item people for their unity and for upholding their age long culture.
“I am here to celebrate with our people on this year’s new yam festival. The new yam festival is a time to thank God for a successful farming year, and a bountiful harvest.
“That Okoko Item is doing its new yam festival is very important. it shows that they are united because being together enhances development and seeing their togetherness means they can decide on one thing, support each other and achieve it.
“I like what i have seen today. Seeing them display the colours of our culture is encouraging because culture is one of the things that unites the people. It shows that Bende has sustained their culture”, he said.