The Nigerian judicial system is still far from ideal. While thousands of prisoners are wasting away in prisons awaiting trial till the Messiah will come and hear their cases, the police is not even trusted at ALL. That is one. Two, the mindset of a vast majority of the Nigerian populace is not helping matters as far as mob violence is concerned. Repeatedly, Nigerian citizens are lynched and are beaten to coma or even killed based on evidence that has been fabricated, extracted under very brutal circumstances or even based on absolutely no evidence at all.
Common sense and rational thinking should reign in our country and when due process is not followed, we end up killing innocent people like it happened in the ALUU4 case where four Nigerian future leaders were killed in a very barbaric manner by an unthinking crowd of senseless zombies. The Nigerian system is still very feeble, corrupt a capite ad calcem and there is so much impunity in the land. An armada of information is needed to lay the foundation for a system where scientific knowledge, rational thinking, merit, mutual respect and honour will take the place of ignorance, religious fanaticism, hypocrisy, political banditry, and tribal wars, which are nothing but pitiful displays of infantile rabble-rousing, apologies to Dr. Doyin Okupe. It may not happen in this generation but it seems the march towards enlightenment and greatness for the world’s most populous black nation has started, even if it is with its growing pangs. We watch with so much hope and atimes, lip-biting trepidation.