Hello good people of South East,
First off, I’m using this medium to urge EVERY IGBO IN THE EASTERN PART OF NIGERIA TO BE CAREFUL TOMORROW being May 30.
Secondly, and from dehumanising events, it’s obvious our traducers can’t have enough of Igbo blood in their hands.
Hello good people of South East,
First off, I’m using this medium to urge EVERY IGBO IN THE EASTERN PART OF NIGERIA TO BE CAREFUL TOMORROW being May 30.
Secondly, and from dehumanising events, it’s obvious our traducers can’t have enough of Igbo blood in their hands.
Because of that, please listen if you are fiery promoter of the sit-at-home order planning to disrupt anyone’s activities tomorrow…
An unnecessary stern warning has already been issued and you’ll definitely be shot (as usual) with a reason that you are “one of the proscribed terrorists harassing innocent & law abiding Nigerians in the South East”.
Some self-loathing and naysaying Igbo are also issuing threats against the Biafra heroes remembrance day.
The press release by the current Ebonyi government is nothing but an attempt to paint a picture of a tension that doesn’t exist and then smear those whom are in support of the sit-at-home observance.
Therefore, and especially because of the type of system Nigeria operates, IPOB members should be advised not to infringe on anyone’s right of choice and movement in any way.
In places like Aba, Ọnịcha, Ọka, Asaba, Ụmụahịa, Owere & Enugwu, anyone who wish NOT TO sit at home should NOT be harassed when they go about their businesses. IT IS NOT SABOTAGE.
In situations as this, i’ll always show up as advocate for ‘every Igbo to his conscience & belief’.
Last year, whilst the remembrance day was being observed, no one was forced to stay at home in the East. But those who went out to engage in normal day activities still turned back and headed home because it was an UNCOERCED total shut down!
I pray that tomorrow being May 30, we’ll not lose anyone again. I pray peace will remain in Ala Igbo as it were whilst the remembrance was being observed a year ago.
To the Nigerian government & law enforcement agents… PLEASE allow us to peacefully honour our ‘Fallen Biafran Heroes’. You DON’T have any right to tell peaceful and law abiding Igbo citizens of Nigeria not to observe a remembrance day for their loved ones whom the 3-year ethnic-cleansing claimed in the late 1960s.
You don’t flog a child and expect him not to cry.
We will honour our fallen Biafran heroes because we have the human right to do so.
As we observe the remembrance, we also pray the Igbo quest for self determination come to reality. Indeed, the ‘struggle’ of our heroes past shall never be in vain.
God bless Ala Igbo and the people!
Tony Kanu