Coming across a throwback photo about the U.S academic report and their verdict about Ndi Igbo, i juxtaposed it with a heartbreaking image showing what the Igbo once faced. Instantly, my face lit up and i told myself…

Coming across a throwback photo about the U.S academic report and their verdict about Ndi Igbo, i juxtaposed it with a heartbreaking image showing what the Igbo once faced. Instantly, my face lit up and i told myself…
That was why, after the 3-year Igbo genocide of the late 1960s – a hellish period which their properties worth billions were seized, Ndi Igbo as the presumed “vanquished” were officially mocked and each given a paltry £20, thinking that the £20 will keep them in penury. But to the shock of Igbo traducers & ill-wishers, and in just over a decade from that time, Ndi Igbo turned that £20 to a staggering £200,000,000,000.
Ndi Igbo didn’t just do that; today they are also rated the most successful & most celebrated black African race in every sphere of human endeavour.
Those who brought the genocide thought it would break Ndi Igbo. Little did they know it’ll rather motivate and catalyse the Igbo to achieve greatness of unimaginable proportions across the globe.

That £20 meant to send Ndi Igbo to hell’s permanent hole, now became a lifeline.
Today, those who scorned and mocked can’t stop asking the question – “How did they get here even with all they faced and without any form of help or restitution by the government of Nigeria?”
Like we all know as the Igbo, It’s May; the month of remembrance for our fallen heroes. As we do that, let us also look back at the day our grandparents & parents were mockingly handed £20 each. As we look back, we shouldn’t allow teardrops this time. Let us smile broadly to the heavens.
Ndi Igbo made it SO BIG.. out of nothing. It was straight from hell to the pearly gates.
All glory to our Maker. He chose Ndi Igbo to still be outstanding even after all they went through.
We will never forget too.
By Tony Kanu