A gallant Nigerian soldier has been mobbed and beaten to death over stolen iron rods meant for the construction of Ahoada, Odiemerenyi, Odieke and Ihugbogo road in Ahoada East Local Government Area (Ekpeye Ethnic Nationality) of Rivers State.
According to a social media user Ekeakita Hector Chinem who shared photos of the dead military personnel and wrote :
This young man (Victor Ochoma) was beaten to death for a crime that is yet to ascertain the facts.
That rod was stolen by an unknown person in the construction of the Ahoada, Odiemerenyi, Odieke and Ihugbogo road would not have lead to the killing of this young man.
What will happen to those that take the major portion of the national cake?
My dear my your rest in the bosom of the Lord, till we meet again.