I was going through the politics section when I stumbled on a thread in which a supposed efik indigene was calling for the unification and coalition of igbos and yorubas in order to form a formidable south.
By: Donald I. Fashola
I was going through the politics section when I stumbled on a thread in which a supposed efik indigene was calling for the unification and coalition of igbos and yorubas in order to form a formidable south.
it started as usual, Igbos who are emotional toddlers filled with so much uncontrollable and unforgiving spirit and bile couldn’t contain their emotions and they let out their usual pent up anger over a past many didn’t even experience–the biafra war.–as one of them even admitted.
I will repeat it again, if there is anything, igbos are not so wise, despite their bravery and strength. It was the wisdom of David that fell Goliath in the bible. Go figure… everything is not by gra gra.
According to history, Ojukwu was no where to be found when shiit hit the fan. He saved his FAMILY first before the children of the masses that sacrificed their children at that altar of war arena.
History also has it on record that other ethnic groups fought on the side of Biafra and with casualties recorded on their side as well. But each time this story is told by Igbos, they hardly ever mention this side of the story. How do you want them to feel?
If Biafra was so great as you all boast on social media, how come just food was used to bring the great biafra to its knees? This is what happens when you lack strategy.
Look at IPOB agitation and see who disintegrated them… fellow igbos did. You have not defeated your enemies within, you want to take on an entire nation. Kill those governors, the entire current governors and I will begin to take you serious.
The mere fact that Nnamdi Kanu ( I didn’t like his strategy which buttress my points above–lack of wisdom and strategy but brave) is missing and everywhere in the East is calm when you should be after your governors, burning up and maiming them for partaking in disappearance of Nnamdi Kanu, kill their family if you can, you are here making noise.
Now listen up… bring up Biafra agitation million times and it will fail a million times… because you guy lack wisdom…. FACT! what is bravery without wisdom? There too many loopholes that elites will always use against the agitation of Biafra and you guys are not even ready to fix those loopholes.
I had to spend more time on Igbo issue because this is where I come from.
The Yorubas on the other hand always act like they are too smart, they think forming alliance with the North means the will enjoy so much benefits… what are the stats as of 2018? Is SW now the Utopia?
One slowpoke said “we know what we want”… What do you want? Are you getting what you want? If you are using Lagos state development as yardstick of progress of SW in 2018, you are one of the fools of the 21st century. Many of you who lay claim to Lagos and sing “Eko Oni Baje” are not even from that state. You are singing Eko Oni Baje but your state in Ekiti, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, Oyo are nothing to write home about.
No light, no good roads, education is in shambles, no jobs, poverty is on the increase… and so many plagues I can’t mention.
You continue to associate with the North that is EVERY damn thing backwards, a group people who makes God regret his works of creation.
Nigeria is being recognised for any achievements on the international arena, it is OFTEN the SOUTH! 99.9% achievements in this country is by the works of the South… but you all allow this good for nothing stone age Neanderthals to keep dragging the progressive South backwards because of your foolishness, pride and ego!
Do you think the North does not have differences? but they are often quick to cover up their mess before the very eyes of the South, case in point, the incessant attacks by Emir Sanusi and the drama that followed suit.
I really don’t know what is wrong with you people… educated but often act like you are smart illiterates. Left for me, the North is NOTHING…and they can be put where they belong but you all keep making them feel important by your actions and inactions. Do you see them commenting as much as you?
Listen up… the fact that you know how to read and write does not mean you are smart or intelligent.
Till I die, no Northerner will ever get my votes… Buhari did a nice job in letting me know we are not one!
Fashola writes from Lagos