By Mazi Edozie
The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has sought international protection against the Nigeria Army’s “Operation Python Dance 11” which was the medium through which the Nigerian government made attempt on his life between 10th – 12th of September, 2017.
The IPOB international team of legal representatives, which comprises the chambers of Fein & DelValle, PLLC, located at 300 New Jersey Avenue, Washington DC, and that of Alloy Ejimakor(Nigerian based Attorney, and IPOB General Counsel), on 11th September, 2017, petitioned the office of the chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs (SFRAA), located at 423 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510, over “the Nigerian government’s authorized shootings and killings of Mr. Kanu’s guests” at his home residence, Afara-Ukwu Ibeku, Umuahia.
According to the team’s media reporter, Greatson Nwadike, who spoke to IPOB Writers, IPOB leadership authorized the team to tender such petition before the US office that handles Africa’s Affairs, to restrain the Nigerian government from the path of genocide it has chosen.
According to the reporter: “After the invasion(of Nnamdi Kanu’s home on Sunday by Nigerian Army), we contacted the leader and our US partners quickly approached the Congresses with petitions to order the Army to leave the home of our leader “We also made presentations at Geneva to the UN boss “Intel calls were (also) made yesterday and our Turkey friends equally put up Diplo references “In all, we are seeking international protection for Nnamdi Kanu “They seek to eliminate him but we are moving faster ahead of them “The only way to record success against these terrorists is when they see that the world is watching”.
Below is the petition before the US Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs as made by IPOB team of lawyers: Re: Nnamdi Kanu impending Genocide of Nigeria’s Igbo People Dear Mr. Chairman: On behalf of the 50 million Igbo people of Nigeria, organized under the umbrella of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), led by Nnamdi Kanu, the Nelson Mandela of Nigeria, this office together with Nigerian Barrister Aloy Ejimakor (IPOB general counsel) calls your attention to the Nigerian government’s authorized shootings and killings of Mr. Kanu’s guests at his home by elements of Nigerian Army late Sunday, September 10, 2017.
We are convinced the Nigerian government intended to assassinate Mr Kanu because of his Igbo ancestry, Judaic religion, and political views. Its nefarious designs were thwarted by the unanticipated presence of numerous visitors to Mr Kanu at the time of his scheduled extrajudicial murder by the Nigerian Army under colour of Nigerian law. According to 10 credible Nigerian newspaper reports, many of the visitors were seriously wounded in the Army attack. Fatalities have been reported. Due to the developing nature of this incident, definitive information is unavailable at this time. But enough is known to justify an international response to prevent convulsion in Nigeria that would threaten international peace and security.
Mr Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB have been peacefully protesting the systematic persecution of Igbos – who overwhelming Christians and Jewish — by Muslim and Hausa-Fulani president Muhamadu Buhari and his murderous administration. (Twelve northern Nigeria States have adopted sharia as their legal code). They have been brutally attacked with lethal force by Nigerian Security to punish the exercise of their fundamental rights to freedom of speech, religion, and association. Credible sources, including Amnesty International, have confirmed that more than 100 unarmed Igbo/IPOB members have been murdered in separate incidents implicating the Nigeria Army.
We represent legal representatives of ten of murdered or tortured victims in a Torture Victim Protection Act lawsuit currently pending before the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
But the lawsuit alone has not been sufficient to deter Nigeria’s Muslim Hausa-Fulani government from seeking to exterminate 50 million Igbos because of their religion and ethnicity. The Nigerian government has tacitly endorsed a Hausa-Fulani plan in Northern Nigeria to expel 11 million Igbos and plunder their property beginning October 1, 2017. The earmarks of an impending genocide and failed state in Nigeria are unmistakable.
We thus strongly urge you to consider employing all diplomatic tools at your disposal to communicate your concerns over the attempted September 10 assassination of Mr Kanu and ongoing Nigerian State terrorism against the 50 million Igbos. Among other things, we urge you to communicate your concerns to the Nigerian Embassy in Washington, D.C., the Nigerian Mission to the United Nations, and the Office of the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria. See attached PDF file for the full petition
Mazi Edozie writes for IPOB Writers