By Samuel Oyedepo
Mainstream Nigeria must stand up for self preservation against tyranny of the minority with majority rule.
The present incursion of boots, guns and machineries in Igboland is an insult and effrontery to all Southerners.
This is the same tactic of divide and eliminate we have seen with Fulani attacks. They attack Gboko today, Akure, Aba, Benin and Sapele are silent.
They attack Akure next week, Gboko, Aba, Benin and Sapele are quiet.
The week after they attack Oron, people in Asaba, Port Harcourt,Gboko and Akure and Awka keep quiet.
Gradually, fulani, a minority, has systematically enshrined itself as a parallel army and turned every part of Southern and Middlebelt Nigeria to its roaming domain to perpetuate any atrocity it deems fit whenever it suits a political agenda.
If Akure, Benin, Aba, Sapele, Oron, Awka, Asaba had all spoken up and took reprisal action in support of Gboko, fulani would have been trained to accept that Southern Nigeria will not submit to its political agenda and it will be force for force on any assault. But what we did instead is get on newspaper and condemn and warn. Even when the warning and condemnation had no effect, year after year…we still warn and condemn.
So it has come to this. Now Army is in Umuahia, Ibadan, Benin, Port Harcourt, Awka, all are silent.
Tomorrow Army will use the fulani model and move to Ibadan, the rest wil be silent.
After that Army is in Gboko, …we are all condemning and warning still.
Pretty soon all over South is turned to occupied land. Fulani rulers in Aso will then have a easy path, with the coopt of Army to truly turn all our lands into Fulani grazing zone.
Ten years from now we will still be warning and condemning.
Has there ever been an incidence of any Southern ethnic group causing riot in North and killing people in bloodshed they way they Northerners do in South? Never!
All should rise up and troop to the street and demand immediate expulsion of all Army occupation anywhere in South. We sustain the North. The oil from South and the ports in South, without these the North will be like Chad, poor and wretched.
We are the mainstream. There is no country in world where mainstream is held hostage and battered by the minority voice. Nigerian’s case is an exception and a cowardly response.
Shame to South! I do not ever want to hear another Southerner brandish his degree and phd in my face…I will curse him out.
Oyedepo Writes from Lagos