Very disturbing report just coming in now from School opposite CKC Cathedral Aba says there is tension now over an unprovoked attack by an Hausa Soldier on an IPOB Member
According to an eyewitness, a team of soldiers arrived at the School road spare parts market few minutes ago (5.40pm) and called an electrician, Friday Imo to repair the headlamp on their Hilux Jeep. Friday politely told the soldier that he had closed for the day and would be unable to attend to him today.
The soldier tried to persuade him but he insisted he had an appointment to catch and advised him to look for another electrician.
At this moment the soldier got furious and released a dirty slap on Friday’s face. Before Friday could say a word or two, the soldier slapped him again.
Immediately other traders started questioning why the soldier would brutalize their colleague like that, the hausa soldier cocked his gun and shot at one of the traders, but luckily, he missed his target as the traders ran for their dear life.
Friday is a hardcore member of IPOB