As posted by a concerned Nigerian
The Best Way For The Government To Handle Nnamdi Kanu Situation, SIMPLE: FIX THE GOTDAM COUNTRY, ADDRESS THEIR MARGINALIZATION CONCERNS, YOU WILL BE SURPRISED HOW THE WHOLE THING WILL QUIET DOWN. Yaradua used the same wisdom when militancy was out of chart; he used wisdom to resolve an issue that would have cost Nigeria over $10 billion a year. BUHARI, STOP USING BULLETS, ARREST, INTIMIDATION, KILLINGS TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. HELLO…AS LONG AS YOU HAVE NOT YET ADDRESSED THEIR CONCERNS, THE STRUGGLE WILL CONTINUE, AND WILL INTENSIFY. THIS IS JUST COMMON SENSE! I wonder if you have advisers…are they not telling you this?
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You nailed it! But this will definitely fall on deaf ears till it’s too late because Buhari wants to be seen by his followers as a “strong man”.
That was how he took over power and rather than sit back and properly analyze the situation on ground, he immediately started hunting Nigerdeltans upandan until he forced them back into blowing pipelines which almost completely crippled the Nigerian economy. No be pesin tell am to retrace his steps. Anybody who thinks the police is still looking for Tompolo is a Ghanaian.”
I agree. The money he is using to buy military jets and weapons to tackle IPOB could be used to solve the marginalization problem. Our leaders don’t have sense at all…
Op I used to say this a lot in the past when I was pro-Nigerian but I haven given up on this British contraption.
The truth is that to fix Nigeria means to destroy every rigged advantageous system created by the north. That’s why they refuse to do so.
The Yorubas in the other hand ignore it because at least the rigged system gave them Lagos.
As soon as he took over, he started running upandan arrogantly making hate speeches and denigrating Nigerians on international TVs and thought it would earn him laurels, now look at the country, it has never been this divided even in the days preceding the civil war! Not surprised though, from his antecedents, I knew he could not be president over a united Nigeria.
U nailed it.. not that he dont know he is doing it wrong but becoz of the wrong impression he has already created initially. Wanting people to see him as no nonsense man.
Now his shame cant let him go diplomatic… not
Knowing has made him a weak leader