By Tony Kuti
Following President Buhari prolong illness it will be good for the country if Buhari decide to resign if he is not getting better within a particular period of time as being published by some news media for Aisha Buhari to be made Vice President to Osibanjo. With Osibanjo Sworn in as president. This will be a win win situation. And will also calm the polity.
This will help women course in Nigeria. It will be an opportunity for a woman to become vice president in Nigeria. And it will boost Nigeria image in the international community. And it will also help to reduce the image of Northern Nigeria as women oppressing region. This will also help to neutralise Buhari comment of she belong to my kitchen and the other room.
It is true Nigeria is not a family affair but in a situation like this we will be killing two birds with one stone.
Aisha Buhari as Vice President will be better than making any of the current power hungry governors and former governors as vice president to Osibanjo because they will be less loyal to President Osibanjo. They will be focus more on how to unseat him and become president.
Many more advanced democracy than Nigeria have witness situation where people from the same family get or almost get to the top position.
The first female president of Argentina was a former first lady Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. She took over directly from her husband. She serve two term till 2015.
The first woman to win party nomination in a major party in the United state and win the popular vote was a former first lady Hillary Clinton. This was in 2016
The bush family in the United State, father and son were both president of the country. And more than one of George Bush senior sons were governors. This was till 2008.
The first female president of South Korea Park Geun-hye was the daughter of a former President. She left office 2017.
The first female prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto was a daughter of a former prime minister. Pakistan is a country of 97% muslim. For those who will argue Nothern muslim cannot support her because she is a woman, parkistan has shown example. She serve twice between 1988 and 1996.
Other examples of daughters of former prime minister who became prime minister are :
Indira Gandhi of India was daughter of Jaharwal Nehru, Megawatti Sukarnoputri of Indonesia was daughter of Sukarno, Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand was daughter of Taksin Shinawatra, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines was daughter of Diosdado Macapagal.
In a more extreme case Nicaragua a central America country elects husband and wife pair as president and vice-president in 2016. This was possible because the people loved the president because he succeeded in reducing poverty in Nicaragua.
For those who are more concern that she is a woman and a Muslim, The current vice president of Iran a country with more than 99% Muslim is a woman.
Kuti writes from Lagos