By Charles Ogbu.
Whatever you believe about the grave tragedy that struck Ozubulu Catholic Church last Sunday, do not make the mistake of thinking you know why those worshippers were gruesomely massacred in that church because you don’t. We don’t! No one does. Not even the police nor the state governor. If they did, they are yet to tell us. Matter of fact, no member of the public knows anything concrete about the church killing. Not yet.
Saying that there has been an on-going drug feud between sons of the community DOES NOT explain why one of the two sons of the same community chose to send cold blooded killers to go massacre innocent worshippers including kids in the same church that had a very high chance of having his own relatives in attendance even when his target was not in the worship centre.
Read this again, slowly, and tell me if it makes any sense to you.
C’mmon, go on!
Sons of the same community having drug feud and killing each other and even targeting family members. I can understand this as uncommon as it is.
One of the two sons from the same community randomly butchering innocent worshippers in a church that could have his own family members in attendance. That, I can never understand. Never!
We don’t catch a bullet by asking questions. Questions like:
What exactly is the clue that connected this church massacre to that particular drug war between the two Ozubulu sons? Is it an eye witness? Drug on the scene? What is it? That it took just 2 hours for the police to obtain, analyse, compare, conclude and offer an official statement! ….2 hours in a multiple murder crime case!!! In a country that has no database and in a church with no CCTV? Nigerian police for that matter!
We hear the war has been on for close to 3 years, yet, Bishop has been going about doing charity, building road being commissioned by the governor and even celebrating his birthday in the open. Yet, he wasn’t targeted at any of those public events??
Neither the police nor the state government can answer this question.
Yet, we should just buy their narrative
Was the target in the church??
If the target was in the church, we could argue that his men were exchanging fire with the attackers and those worshippers were caught in crossfire. In which case, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. But the guy was not in the church! So I ask again, where is the connection??
We should just believe that drug guys who came all the way from Mandela country where the war started were not professional enough to ascertain that their target was in the church before going in to get him
They just went from his house to the church looking to kill a billionaire who moves around with heavily armed escort? How sensible does this sound to anyone?
Even my village school cult gang here would never move in and start asking around or wasting bullets unless they had credible Intel on the status of their target.
Having categorically and repeatedly stated that this is a drug war between SONS OF THE SAME COMMUNITY even without any verifiable evidence, both the govt and the police already created a biased mindset about this case. They may have done this to douse tension but there is certainly no right way of doing a wrong thing. The tragedy here is that knowing what we know about the duo, they will now feel obligated and under pressure to ‘force’ their investigation to fall into the “sons of the