inequality gap in the north.”
“In light of the above mentioned, we make the following declarations.
1. Federal government should strictly ensure the compliance of the bail conditions of Nnamdi Kanu.
2. We advised strongly that the 2014 national conference report should not be implemented, rather, a more credible and acceptable National conference be organized.
3. We demand that General TY Danjuma, Prof Ango Abdullahi, Senator JKN Waku, to spear head a northern elders/leaders summit on lasting peace, unity and reconciliation of the north.
4. We advice that our religious leaders preach peace rather than foiling the embers of discord.
5. We demand that Northern governors forum set up an all inclusive committee towards reviving the moribund companies.
6. The acting President’s directives to the service chiefs to move to the northeast to curb the insurgency is highly commendable.
7. We appeal to the executive governor of Kaduna state to as a matter of importance, reopen all the tertiary institutions in southern Kaduna,” it concluded.