sole motivating factor behind Kanu’s action is to bring about a major ethnic and religious crisis across the country. While we faithfully await action from the Federal Government of Nigeria and the international community, we initiated a series of town hall meetings in major cities of the three geo-political zones of the North,” stated CNG.
The group recalled that it met in June, when it examined the impediments to national integration and identified IPOB’s agitation for Biafra as the major factor currently impeding Nigeria’s stability. As a result, CNG said it took a position, through the Kaduna Declaration, which contained an ultimatum to Igbo people resident in the North to leave by 1 October. The declaration also contained a similar order to Northerners resident in the South-East to quit by the same date.
The coalition said it followed this up with a petition to the Secretary-General of the United Nations as well as major foreign diplomatic missions.
“We drew attention to the emerging trends in the country that are pregnant with complications and unforeseen consequences. We can proudly say, today, that this objective has to a large extent been achieved as the Biafran issue, which was neglected for 50 years, has now been brought to the front burner of our national discourse,” CNG added.
As a result of its initiatives, CNG explained that it has held meetings with many peace-loving groups, agencies, religious, cultural and traditional leaders with a view to achieving peace and stability.
Among those it met, disclosed CNG, were the Sultan of Sokoto, Northern Governors Forum and the National Peace Committee, which CNG charged with the responsibility of harmonizing previous and future efforts to resolve the crisis.
The first of such meetings was held in Kano on 3 August. At the end of the meeting CNG said it opened a dialogue with Igbo leaders in the 19 Northern states. The dialogue was facilitated by the State Security Services and supported by the Kano State government.
On account of the new the new lines of communication, CNG said it will make definite pronouncements at an international press conference in Abuja on Monday, August 14, 2017.
“We appreciate the concern of the State Security Services, Kano Command, in facilitating peace processes and the government of Kano state for its support and cooperation,” CNG said.

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