Church fense, is more convincing and veracious. According to the unidentified narrator, a car was driven into the Church premises, but was parked at the entrance as if it had broken down. The driver, according to the eyewitness, got out of it and some men in military uniform, armed to the teeth and gun-totting joined the fray. Our eyewitness, sensing danger, made for the fence and, while at it, heard gunshots. She could not tell what happened next, since she had escaped and was unable to reach her brethren at the service.
(1) The gestapo style of the invasion and brutal killing bespeak the invasion of Biafraland by haters of Biafrans.
(2) The camouflage worn by these bloody killers makes one suspect Boko Haram, since this eyewitness account has it that they were clad in military uniform.
(3) The fact that a Church was attacked by these bloodletting fellows suffices to make us conclude it was a JIHAD, not an assassination attempt.
(4) The fact that these killers were masked and that they shot at worshipers in a Church typify the Fulani/Hausa jihadists, not assassins as hurriedly concluded by Anambra Government and the Police.
(5) The number of unarmed lives taken by these killers erases the likelihood of assassination attempt and shows that both the Government of Anambra and the State Police had foreknowledge of it and had already prepared to defend it.
This is not the first time that Biafrans in Anambra State have been brutally killed under Governor Willie Obiano’s watch. This governor has proved time and again that his mien, antics, and administrative policies fan the embers of wanton destruction of lives in his wild bid to extend his tenure. In 2015, scores of soul-less Biafrans were descried floating in a river. It is lugubrious that more lives have been taken in the most brutal of ways. How many more pints of innocent blood does Obiano want? Is this some subtle ritual or what? The Police Commissioner, working in connivance with this bloodsucking Gov. Willie Obiano, should take us through the process(es) that led to the most SPEEDY UNCOVERING of the cause of this bloodbath. Who informed them? How reliable is their informant? When were they informed?
Going by the timeous response and conclusion by both the government and police, one can say they knew about it. Now, if they knew about it and did nothing, then they are part of it. The hurry shown by the compromised government and police is suspicious and bespeaks lack of tact on their part. It is very clear that it is easy to tell a lie, but very difficult to make it persuasively effective. The brutal and militarised mode of this attack dismisses every attempt to exclude religious war. Willie Obiano and his cohorts should try harder.
Nigeria is a member of the United Nations (UN), Islamic Nations – thanks to Buhari – and Economic Committee of West Africa (ECOWAS), amongst others. It is disheartening that these communities have done little or nothing to wade into the seemingly intractable extermination of the lives of innocent humans in Nigeria. The agitation for Biafra remains a national issue that should give these external communities concern. Are these international unions not bound by the need to protect lives and interests of their members anymore? Innocent lives have been taken by the Government of Nigeria since 2015, with no strong enough condemnation from these communities. Biafrans in the East have become the direct targets since the reinvigorated agitation for Biafra took off. Are the US, Russia, NATO, UN, and ECOWAS waiting for every Biafra agitator and innocent Nigerian to die before a decisive action is taken? The needed disquiet by these international communities should come now. May the souls of all the Biafra and misgoverning and oppressive Nigeria’s martyr rest in the bosom of the Most High God. Amen. May the Almighty God, Who vengeance is for, avenge these brutal killings in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Nigeria, we reject thee
Biafra, we long for thee.
Russell Idatoru Bluejack is a thinker, revolutionary writer, university tutor, and socio-economic and political analyst that writes with deep pains from Port Harcourt.

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