playing in my field is a bomb of Truth. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
16. The Nigerian Justice System Is Madness In A Turmoil In A Bottle. Everybody Is Blind To The Ethics Of Justice And Law Legality. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
17. In the charge, Federal Government alleged that the accused Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates committed treasonable felony by spear-heading an illegal agitation for the secession of ‘Biafra Republic’ from Nigeria, an offence punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
18. To prove a Crime is committed, the Director of Public Prosecution must prove the Case has an element of Actus Reus (meaning the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused, and Mens Rea (meaning an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent).
19. In my Professional Opinion and Legal Expertise as (i) Chairman and Founder of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) UK, the First British Political Party to Oppose Democratic Government in her Pursuit to Enforce Authority of the Divine Right of the Kings for Enforcement of Act of Politics by 2021, (ii) As the Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty Alliance Commission and (iii) as a Law Reformist: I, Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas, give my Judgement on behalf of the Queen and Country and the State and Government and in and amongst Jurisdictional Territories of the Commonwealth Nations and her People, in accordance with their Values and Virtues, I pronounced judgement that on the 14th Day April 2017 at 4.00pm, that Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates have no Case to Answer and therefore without Political Hindrances must be released from Unconstitutional Detention.
20. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates are not guilty of any Treasonable Offences and have acted within due process of recognised international Law of Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948, signed by the British Government on behalf of their Colony Nigeria. The Law is still enforceable till date and cannot be repealed hence still being enforced and recognised by the British Government.
21. No Man Has The Right To Deny Another Man His Free Will Liberty To Be Free. No Man Has The Power To Use Legislative Confraternity To Destroy The Race Of Life. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
22. The Law Legality of Men in their Sovereign Rights acting within their own Covenant of Administration as willed by their Thoughts and Beliefs, is not different from the act of self-imposed Government. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates are being punished and treated like lesser Men. Hence all Men are created Equal and the context of liability and evidence before us and in the World Archives of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that the Igbos as a People are Marginalised Race, in that the Northern Emirates saw to the death of 15,000,000 million Igbos in the Nigerian Civil War of 1967, massacred and the feverously travails of death have continued till this date, they are killed unjustly and frivolously.
23. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu is an Igbo Leader, born in the Heritage of the Igbos Ethnicity and Jewish Race, in his Mind Supremacy, a truce and an Adjudicator of the Ndigbo Visionary, He is a Martyrdom and a wise one born to lead his People in their acclaimed Will of God, against the Ordinance of the Will of Men to subject them to impotency of their belief in the disposition of Federal Government Oppressive Injustice against their Race and seizure of their Voices. A Revolt by them is not a Crime. The Government actions are a Hell-Raiser Maldemer of Eccentricism.
24. The Federal Government in the Headship of President Muhammadu Buhari treated the Igbos as a Race less important and Nigerians live by the strength of these People of Eastern Nigerian. The Igbos by Professions are Capitalists, Economists and Educationists and the Minorities uneducated were denied of Educational funding because they were made to rebuild in misery after the Civil War of 1967 they lost. A no Pain a no Gain, now for a United Nigeria, is better their Voices are heard again.
25. The Government is subject to the Rule of Law and cannot shoot the Guns of Laws. The Plan and way forward is a Consensual, for the interest of today in adherence to the Future as the New generation will carry the turmoil of Anarchy, if the law of Common Sense is undermined.
26. Tyranny Of Government Is Their Disability Of The Mind, Mediocrity And Of Illusional Hypocrisy. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
27. The Igbo People are Religionists and as Christians, they are not subjected to the Will and Beliefs of the Northern Emirates and as such, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates have acted as Avengers and not Terrorists. He is a Man with a Purpose and his Voice must be heard and the Will of his People for Liberation must stand; Therefore the Nigerian Justice System in her Sham Legislation cannot subjugate the Will of the Biafran People.
28. The President of Nigeria and his Federal Republic of Nigeria cannot win. I strongly warned and Advice the Court to Strike out this Case from the Tempestuous Court Boundaries and the Federal Government make Peace with the Eastern Region.
29. DEFINITION OF TERRORISM: Terrorism Is The Threat of a Government to impose Despotic Laws against majority to seize their Rights.
— By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
30. The Government is voted into Office by the Will of her Citizens and