then through out his little time in office, Buhari has been to the UK for medical attention like clockwork. A report said he routed many of his trips abroad, which were quite often, through the UK for this same reason.
Nigeria is sick and cannot keep waiting on an incapacitated president. We must be kind to ourselves and to Buhari and his family. It is time Buhari retires and puts the last leg of life in order. He needs to rest with family and friends and reminisce on his life while being a responsible elder statesman, rendering advice where he can to those who need it.
Nigeria’s presidential jet and the associated staff holed up in the UK at unnecessary cost to the nation should also be brought back. Over 90% of Nigerians live under $2/day, we must consider the poor, dying of of their poverty and save the nation valuable FOREX.
We hereby urge the national assembly and Acting president Yemi Osinbajo to do the dutiful in the best interest of the nation which has remained in an unnecessary logjam.
Dr.; +1-929-427-5305; @EveryNigerian