Read his statement as translated by a facebook user:
“Okija enyi! Okija enyi!! Okija enyi!!!. I His royal majesty ezenwegbu d ii d greatest warrior of okija kingdom,am a bafra and am very proud 2 be a bafra,okija let join hand 2 support bafra especially politice planning election in okija bafra land no postal no cap ,No election in okija land! No election in okija land!! No election in okija land!!!.okija let us move 2 zion bafra and only zion can help us bafra.”
“Okija open ur eyes2 fight injustic ,dis is time 2 fight injustic . And know since barbelom government started okija hv nt achive anytin and they are fight 4 demself, fighing 4 what do nt belong 2 dem, killing demself.dis is d time all dis corruption wil cum 2 an end in okija land. Some of u creming dat u are rich mostly ppl living outside east da do nt no dat they are suffering 4 barbelom .”
“Remember dat when lsraelities living in egypt dey are de proud of egypt,and no dat s israel dat are working hard 4 egypt, but when God called dem d live all deir propertise deir and lift.remember dat when israel living in egypt da hv nt becum what dey are, is when dey left egypt dey becum what da are. Am using dis opoortunity telling dose living outside east and outside d country dat u guys are suffering deir is when u guys cum back 2 bafra land dat u we no dat u guys are suffering deir, is dat time u wil no what we are.”
“Is nt dat am isulting u,s what wil happen in future in short time dat am telling u.let chiukwu- okike aiama gaurd and bless u in d name of chiukwu okike abiama, if u belive type iseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”