people of Anambra what they wanted. He just woke up and made an order and expects that Igbos are zombies. We shall see.
Education is very important. If this guy had the benefit a proper education, he would have known why indirect rule failed in Igboland but succeeded in other parts of the country. When indirect rule failed, the colonial leaders introduced the Warrant Chiefs who were Lords. The entire arrangement ended in a fiasco.
Igbos are by their nature, republicans and act after detailed analysis and wide spread consultations. No one can order the Igbo people around according to his own whims and caprices. Even if what you ask of them is right, the mere fact that you woke up to say it without asking them will make them resist it.
Igbos don’t have powerful kings and rulers. Igbos don’t by tradition prostrate before anybody. We act by a unity of purpose.
Tell me one decent and notable Igboman who is with this guy in this his movement.
Will he fight the war alone?
What does he think secession is? A cartoon film?
The original Biafra was not an Igbo thing entirely. While Igbos were in the majority, there were others too. Today, what we have is a purely designed Igbo agitation. This is not the Biafra that Ojukwu had in mind. The other people feel uncomfortable with it and have said no.
Finally, let me ask Kanu one question. If by his imperial order, Igbos refuse to vote in 2019, what of those Igbos who were elected in a state like Lagos?
Two Igbos are in the House of Reps representing two constituencies in Lagos State. One Igbo guy is in the Lagos State House of Assembly.
What becomes of them?
Those that know him should tell him to go and sleep over this his thing. He is a young man and should ask questions and consult his people before coming out to speak.
All through history, no single individual has spoken for the Igbos except the people ask him to, or he will be alone in the market place.
Finally, I will advise Kanu to go and read ACHEBE’s books, THINGS FALL APART AND ARROW OF GOD. They were written by Chinua Achebe, one of the finest Igbo brains who took active part in the war.
In those two books, the republican nature of the Igbo man were in full display. The emphasis we place on unity and consultation. All decisions must be collectively reached for it to have efficacy.
In THINGS FALL APART, when Okonkwo got too powerful and decided to run a one man show, he ended up committing suicide and his body was buried by strangers in the evil forest. The people abandoned him. It didn’t matter that he was the most popular and most powerful man in the land who had brought them honor severally.
Obierika, Okonkwo’s best friend who was a more deeper man said to the white man…THIS WAS THE GREATEST MAN IN UMUOFIA, YOU DROVE HIM TO KILL HIMSELF AND NOW, HE WILL BE BURIED LIKE A DOG.
IN ARROW OF GOD, Ezeulu misunderstood that the allegiance the people gave to him was by virtue of his office as the Priest of Ulu, their deity. When he became too powerful and started toying with the people, the people arose against both him and the deity. The rest was history. Even while he reigned as Ezeulu, he was constantly questioned and harassed by some men like the rambunctious Nwaka.
Please tell Nnamdi Kanu to cultivate the habit of reading. WComr. Okonkwo Ifeanyi Innocent writes from Ekwulobia, with one hand and his Bible in the other hand. Kachifooonu umunnem!!!