By: Clarocuzio M. J.
This is Reaction to this piece by By: Mike Daniel Okaba
It’ saddens my heart when I see such hypocritical write ups, it’s is this kind of mentality that fuelled the agitating for Biafra, first and foremost history never made us one, if we are one we wouldn’t have fought the first civil war and if we are one, after years of civil war and successive governments we would have stuck together and blended properly, but with the present situation of things, it’s obviously obvious that we are not and can never be one because we share different views in religion, culture, economics, social, educational, geographical and even political, so let’s not deceive ourselves.
The Igbo man is naturally tenacious in all its dealings in life so our tenacity is not limited to the struggle for Biafra.
May I at this point state categorically that every other tribe in this country has been hypocritical about the project “One Nigeria” it is only the Igbos that subscribed fully to the project without limitations or sentiments, this is evident in the Igbos have their properties and investment scattered all over the Nation, tell me any other tribe that has as much houses and investment in the south south or south east, or even half of it as the Igbos, none, so they are absolutely hypocritical, to them Nigeria is within their geopolitical zone or political territories.
The Igbos forgot all that divided us and moved on, but Nigeria treated them as outcast and second class citizens in their own country, when was the last time an Igbo man become the President of this country, how many major Generals of Igbo extraction do we have, when was the last time an Igbo man become the Chief Justice of the Federation, every geopolitical zone has more states than the south east, look at the roads in the south east, the second Niger bridge has been used as an object of political deceit to the Igbos since the days of Obasanjo, even the present APC led government fuelled the whole agitation with its lopsided appointment, what stops Buhari from choosing amongst Amechi, Ogbonnaya Onu and Chris Ngige to be the Secretary to the government of the Federation, look at the recent DSS recruitment where Katsina State has more slots than the entire south east region, look at Mr. President’s 97/5% statement, look at the Fulani herdsmen menace where they kill and rape with reckless abandon, yet no single person has been prosecuted for such dastardly, inhumane and wicked acts.
The Biafra war was as a result of the Nigeria government not sticking to the Aburi accord (restructuring), and as a result over three million women and children were either killed or starved to death, today everybody is clamouring for restructuring, the entire nation owes the Igbos a strong apology for such mistake and wickedness.
So it is worthy to note that no other tribe has believed and invested in the project “One Nigeria” more than the Igbos do, none, yet we have been so battered, de humanised, maltreated, marginalised, killed and raped of our common patrimony, yet they still want us to subscribe to project “One Nigeria”, you can fool some people sometimes, you can also fool some people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Enough said.