North, not to be carried away by whatever assurances they might have received from any quarters concerning their safety, insisting that they should heed to the order.
Ben stated: “We do not see it as a threat, but a welcome development. It should not generate disaffection, but should be accepted with commendation because it would give the agitators opportunity to champion their course with the necessary zeal it requires.
“In essence, the deadline should stand, both for the South Easterners in the North, and the Northerners in the Niger Delta region and South East. And our people should return home. Every Southern is our brother or sister, whether from East, West or South.
“Whoever refuses to heed to this order, will blame himself or herself for the consequences. We have sounded the warning to our people in the North not to allow themselves to be slaughtered like before.
“This time around, while we demand that the Igbo should obey the quit notice by Arewa boys, we would not fold our hands and watch them (Arewa) massacre our people. Whatever that happens to our people, will surely have grave and regrettable consequences on the opponents, General Ben warned.