By A concern Anambra Man
For those shouting no election in Anambra State – especially those among you who are from our state, have you even sat for a moment and thought about the implications of boycotting election in Anambra State?
Well, based on the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria – which Anambra state is still part of, discouraging or hindering people from exercising their franchise in an election is classified as treason and in some cases terrorism.
we all know that many people will want to go and vote so as to chose who will govern them- but based on the high number of ipob touts deployed to anambra state by nnamdi kanu, many people out of fear of being victimized will chose to stay indoors – just like it happened during the previous stay at home order by ipob. forcing people to stay indoors is classified as terrorism – that’s a crime against the state.
If ipob led by nnamdi kanu succeeds in forcing people not to exercise their franchise during the elections by staying at home, the federal government will declare at state of emergency in Anambra State – the constitution will be suspended for as long as it takes to restore order – which may last for more than two or three years.
A military administrator from the north will be appointed to govern Anambra State for the period the state of emergency will be in place.
curfew will be declared from dusk till down – and anything that moves in between those periods will be shot at – and shot to kill.
Nigerian soldiers will be deployed in the entire south east but especially in Anambra State. This military occupation will last for an upward of two to three years. Anambra state will be fully governed by the military.
If state of emergency is declared in Anambra State even for one week, the impact will be so devastating that we may not recover from it for the next five years! how much more if it lasts for a year! don’t forget that terrorism and hunting down terrorist doesn’t just end in a week or months!
the federal might will be in Anambra for nothing less than one year and during these period, all the economic advancement made by ndi Anambra and its various active governors starting from Ngige down to peter obi and being consolidated by Obiano will all be destroyed!
the vibrant economy being jealously guided by ndi Anambra will be striped to shreds by the invading army! Anambra State will be looted to the ground!
we all know the modus operandi of the Nigerian security apparatus – which is shoot then ask questions later, many ndi Anambra will lost their lives for the simple reason that they were walking too fast while going to buy bread – the casualties will be too much that it may end up touching every household in anambra state!
the army will use Anambra State for Target practice – they can target your house and bomb it – or even your entire village and bomb it and claim that it is the hideout of ipob terrorist – if they can do it in borno which is their state how much worse do u think they will do to an infidel state in an infidel land! they will rape our fine girls, kill our young men and mess our vibrant cities and villages!
And guess what? nothing will happen! you know why? because we are in a