By Uche Okoro
This is just my opinion.
What is compulsory voting?
As practiced in Australia, Belgium, Singapore,Switzerland, Brazil, just to mention a few, Compulsory voting refers to laws which require eligible citizens to register for and participate in democratic election of representatives to form governance of their country, State or local government. Effective compulsory voting imposes penalties on citizens or constituents who fail to cast a vote in an official election and actively pursues eligible citizens who fail to register as voters as required by law
I think a piece of legislation should be passed both at federal and state level that:
– Effective immediately, All Nigerian citizens between the age of 18 – 70 (except those of unsound mind or those convicted of serious crimes) must be registered to vote and show up at the poll on election day.
– Nigerians who do not show up are subject to several public services disfranchisement (e.g ineligible to secure government jobs, increased health care cost etc) and fines. (at least until the next election period)
– Although those who were ill or otherwise incapable of voting on election day can have this limitations and fines waived after providing sufficient proof.
– The act should not explicitly state that a choice must be made, it only states that the ballot paper be ‘marked’. Thus if a voter feels like no candidate represents his views and policies, a NONE OF THE ABOVE OR BLANK option should be included.
– A JUSTIFICATION FORM for not voting should be made available to be filled at election centers & post offices nationwide. This is for voters who have other tangible reasons for non-participation[/b][/color]
Measures to encourage voting should include:
1. Nigerian voters can vote in an embassy if they are abroad or can empower another voter to cast the vote in their name; the voter must give a “permission to vote” and carry a copy of the voters card and their own on the actual elections.
2. those who were ill on voting day are excused by requesting a doctor to prove their condition.
3. those over 500 km away from their voting place are also excused by asking for a certificate at a police station near where they are.
– Voting is a civic duty comparable to