mythologies of West Africans, but also beyond West Africa, because civilizations and cities were never private ownerships -they usually made their impact far beyond their borders, and often seeded other cities and civilizations when their life-spans come to an end…
Our research into cognates shows that the Kwa/Nkwo language family was the mother of Canaanite and its child languages Semitic, Sumerian and Akkadian. It is also the mother of Egyptian.the Kwa etymon is derived from the word Akwa Nshi which is the name of the ‘First people. 41 (mostly dwarfs) who populated early Igboland. This word occurs consistently in the clan names of the earliest migrants (6,000 -4360 B.C.) to Asia and the Middle East, especially in China, as in the words Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Hshi, Shansi, Shensi,
Igbo language has cognates in languages as far flung as Canaanite, Hebrew, Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Chinese, Sanskrit and so on, even in Turkish, and some languages of Western and Eastern Europe.
This is congruent with the discovery that Igboukwu inscriptions as shown in the artefacts unearthed by Thurstan Shaw had striking similarities in near-Eastern writing systems such as Proto-Phoenician, Cretan Hieroglyphics, Linear A and B, Proto-Sinaitic, Indic, Hittite, Elamite, etc.