drawn into such situations in a bid to awaken people to their blind spots. They are hell bent on proving that they are more eloquent on promoting their politician, tribe and religion while defending one Nigeria (which begs the question, if you hate one another so much, why do you want to remain as one Nigeria) and fail to see the following:
-The problems of tribal differences will continue to retard any meaningful progress in the country: This will never change unless Nigeria is broken up. The masses tend to focus on defending their tribe men who have done wrong instead of protecting the interest of the whole Nigerians. Every tribe does this and I do not see it changing until the country is divided up by tribe and then people can focus on the real issues and no longer defend evil for the sake of tribe. And this very reason is one that shows that things will not work out if separation is not considered. There won’t be peace and progress in a house where they fight and hate on each other perpetually? Think about that!
-Consider the fact that dividing into smaller regions will bring out the best in each region. It will foster easier accountability of leadership by the people. It will enable people of every region to appreciate and better utilize every God given resource to sustain themselves and fashion more creativity among the people. I remember that Nigeria main stay used to be agriculture and since the advent of oil, agriculture was abandoned for easier money. There are many countries that the totality of their economic sustenance comes from agriculture.
-Breaking up Nigeria into smaller or it’s original parts will encourage healthy competition within each region and eliminate the toxic competition among the tribes within Nigeria. Lack of toxicity facilitates creativity among people and within units. And one of the best things is that dividing Nigeria does not have to change the economic relationship among each region. As I mentioned in a previous writing, the regions will remain neighbors and can or should continue to do business with each other. Let’s all make it a peaceful undertaking. A divorce does not have to be bitter.
It will only be bitter if someone makes it so. There is no problem that cannot be solved by peaceful dialogue.
I have more to say but will stop here until next time!
Thanks for indulging me on this!
Ij Onuigbo
Ex US Army Captain